Monday 4 March 2013

jQuery Chapter 1.1 What you will learn in this Workshop

jQuery is rapidly becoming the language of choice for creating web applications and websites capable of running on multiple devices and screen sizes (think cell phone, tablet, desktop). It can dramatically reduce the amount of time spent coding both basic and complex functionality within a website or web application. In the workshop author and trainer Kevin Ruse teaches you the fundamentals of jQuery, which is essentially a code library designed to reduce your development time. You’ll learn how to work with the jQuery wrapper, selectors, elements, attributes, events, effects, and more. In no time, you’ll be up and running and ready to explore the more complex areas of jQuery development.

This lesson gives a brief overview of the topics that will be covered in this course, including how to acquire JQuery, how it works, and what is it used for. We will start the basic concepts so you will feel more comfortable exploring these subjects in detail later in the course.

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